Kotlin and RX Kotlin in Android
In this blog we are going to discuss Kotlin and RXKotlin, so let’s start the topic.
About Kotlin –
Kotlin is a language that combines functional programming and object-oriented programming in a distinctive, unrestricted, and self-sufficient platform. Kotlin is run on a Java virtual machine and it is an open-source programming language.
You can check my other blog regarding Flutter app development .
These are some key points of kotlin –
- Semicolon isn’t required in kotline programs.
- Kotlin doesn’t support static member
- Kotlin supports Lambda Expression
- In, Kotlin variables of a primitive type
- Kotlin doesn’t require any variable data type
- Kotlin programs don’t require semicolons
- Kotlin has Language scripting capabilities
- Kotlin doesn’t offer implicit conversions
- Kotlin allows users to create an extension
- Kotlin compilation are fast
- Kotlin has trimmed code
- Kotlin combines the oops and functional component
Kotlin History –
There are landmarks and key points of kotlin history.
- Kotlin was launched his version v1.0 in 2016
- Google announced his first-class support of Kotlin in Android In 2017
- Kotlin v1.3 version released in 2018 brings coroutines for asynchronous programming.
- Google announced Kotlin as its preferred programming language for Android application developers in 2019.
Kotlin Advantage –
Here are some lists of advantages of using kotlin.
- Kotlin uses the Multiplatform framework and extracts one common codebase.
- Kotlin has built-in null safety support.
- In kotlin there is less room for errors.
- Kotlin divides the large apps into smaller layers.
- It helps developers to create extension functions.
- Kotlin is very easy to read and write because it is a statically-typed language.
- Writing new code in kotlin takes very less time.
Kotlin Disadvantage –
Here are some lists of disadvantages of using kotlin.
- The Kotlin developer community is very small, that’s why learning material is less.
- Compilation speed is slower than java.
- Kotlin is a highly declarative language
About RxKotlin –
Rx stands for Reactive Extensions (Rx), but Rxkotlin is not an implementation of Reactive Extensions, it’s a collection of extension methods. RxKotlin uses the RxJava library with API design.
These are some important points about RxKotlin.
- As well RxKotlin is dependent on RxJava.
- RxKotlin does not depend upon RxAndroid.
- RxAndroid and RxKotlin use RxJava.
- RxKotlin is only a wrapper over the original RxJava.
- No need to use RxKotlin if you are using RxJava.
- You can use RxJava with Kotlin out-of-the-box.
- Rx Java, Rx Kotlin, or Rx Swift all are the implementation of Reactive Extensions in that particular language.
Setup The RxKotlin –
To set up the project first you need to add the RxKotlin dependencies in your project.
- Add the following code in your pom.xml file
- Add the following code in build.gradle
implementation ‘io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxkotlin:2.3.0’
Observables Creation in RxKotlin –
RxKotlin has a number of extension methods for creating Flowable objects and Observables from collections.
Every array type has a toFlowable() and toObservable() method, it is like the following code.
val observable = listOf(1, 1, 2, 3).toObservable()
observable.test().assertValues(1, 1, 2, 3)
val flowable = listOf(1, 1, 2, 3).toFlowable()
flowable.buffer(2).test().assertValues(listOf(1, 1), listOf(2, 3))
Map and Multimap in Observable and Flowable –
- We have Pair instances for Observables or Flowable that produce a Single observable that produces a Map.
val list = listOf(Pair(“a”, 1), Pair(“b”, 2), Pair(“c”, 3), Pair(“a”, 4))
val observable = list.toObservable()
val map = observable.toMap()
assertEquals(mapOf(Pair(“a”, 4), Pair(“b”, 2), Pair(“c”, 3)), map.blockingGet())
- We use the values associated with a key into a collection for this we use the toMultimap.
val list = listOf(Pair(“a”, 1), Pair(“b”, 2), Pair(“c”, 3), Pair(“a”, 4))
val observable = list.toObservable()
val map = observable.toMultimap()
mapOf(Pair(“a”, listOf(1, 4)), Pair(“b”, listOf(2)), Pair(“c”, listOf(3))),
Combining Flowables and Observables –
Here we combine the observables with flatMap.
val subject = PublishSubject.create<Observable<String>>()
val observable = subject.mergeAll()
val observable = subject.flatMap { it }
Different Types Values Handling –
Here we check how you handle the different types of data handling in RxKotlin. It handles the following 2 types of values.
- cast values from one type to another,
- filter the values that are not of a certain type
val observable = Observable.just<Number>(1, 1, 2, 3)
observable.cast<Int>().test().assertValues(1, 1, 2, 3)
In this article, we have thoroughly reviewed RxKotlin and Kotlin, i think you understand the concept well now